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Topic: Mycobacteriology 2016-05-06
Difficulty: Moderate
Author:  Maggie Powers-Fletcher, Ph.D., Medical Microbiology Fellow, ARUP Laboratories/University of Utah
Question Type: Matching List
Please choose a matching answer for each item. Choices may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Match the specimen with the Mycobacterium species that you would most likely recover from that source based on classic clinical associations [answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all]:

Respiratory specimen from an elderly woman with a history of habitual suppression of cough
Urine specimen from a patient with a history of bladder cance
Tissue specimen from a patient with a wound inflicted by a fishing hook
Stool specimen from a patient with HIV
Tissue specimen contaminated with tap water during the collection process

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