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Topic: Parasitology 2016-05-25
Difficulty: Moderate
Author:  Alessandro Rossi Ph.D., Medical Microbiology Fellow, ARUP Laboratories/University of Utah
Question Type: Multiple Possible Answers
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A street artist traveling with a group of four stray kittens that he has recently adopted, stops in Southern Italy and eats raw anchovies marinated in vinegar in a restaurant. Later in the night he presents to the ER (with his cats), with excruciating abdominal pain and emesis. Due to a language barrier, the patient is not able to explain to the doctors what he ate. An abdominal CT scan shows thickening of the gastric wall and edema, but also an enlarged liver with lesions.  A CBC also reveals peripheral eosinophilia. Due to these findings and the man’s exposure to the cats, the doctors consider Toxocara visceral larva migrans in the differential diagnosis. What test(s) could be used to detect this infection (select all possible answers)?
O&P examination of stool
Liver biopsy and histological examination 
PCR from serum

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