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Topic: Taxonomy 2016-05-23
Author:  Marc Couturier, Medical Director of Parasitology/Fecal Testing, Infectious Disease Rapid Testing, and Microbial Immunology, Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Utah Department of Pathology
Question Type: Matching List
Please choose a matching answer for each item. Choices may be used once, more than once or not at all.

This question was inspired by a recent discussion on the DivC listserv, and some interesting learning points came up.  

Microbial genera are constantly being identified or reclassified. As a result, organisms are subsequently moved from one genus to another…or new genera are created to accommodate genera which require subsequent separation of members.  As clinical microbiologists, we are tasked with maintaining accuracy in reporting and using current taxonomic standing, while at the same time ensuring our clinical colleagues know what these names refer to.
Match the currently accepted genus with previous genus designation (species identifications have been removed from the challenge as to not make the question too obvious).



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