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Topic: Organism Identficiation 2016-07-25
Difficulty: Easy
Author:  Salika Mehreen Shakir Ph.D., Medical Microbiology Fellow, ARUP Laboratories/University of Utah
Question Type: Single Best Answer
Please select the single BEST answer choice.

During laboratory rounds, the Mycology bench technologist shows the team a Gram stained slide of a yeast-like organism from a Myco/F lytic culture medium (see images below).  

The cells were 5 μm in size under 100x magnification and some budding cells were observed. The technologist says that there has been no growth on SAB agar or on CHROMagar for one week and asks whether they should hold the sub-cultures longer to rule out dimorphic fungi. Upon the recommendation of our recently graduated microbiology fellow (also a mycology guru), the technologist adds Tween 80 to the subculture and small colonies are seen 5 days later.

What is the most likely identity of the organism? 
A. Saccaromyces spp
B. Blastomyces dermatidis
C. Malassezia spp.
D. Cryptococcus spp.
E. Candida albicans

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