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Topic: Culture media 2016-07-18
Difficulty: Easy
Author:  Marc Couturier, Medical Director of Parasitology/Fecal Testing, Infectious Disease Rapid Testing, and Microbial Immunology, Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Utah Department of Pathology
Question Type: Matching List
Please choose a matching answer for each item. Choices may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Given it is July and we have new fellows, residents, and medical technologists hopefully joining our ranks, I wanted to revive a two year old question to bring us back to basics.  

Match the following enteric pathogen with the corresponding selective media used to culture it. 

Aeromonas and Yersinia enterocolitica
O157 shiga-toxigenic E. coli

Campylobacter jejuni/coli


Vibrio cholerae

Clostridium difficile

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