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Topic: Virology 2016-06-27
Difficulty: Easy
Author:  Marc Couturier, Medical Director of Parasitology/Fecal Testing, Infectious Disease Rapid Testing, and Microbial Immunology, Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Utah Department of Pathology
Question Type: Single Best Answer
Please select the single BEST answer choice.

A patient was traveling recently to Brazil and returns to the United States with a history of fever, headache, conjunctivitis, and a rash. The symptoms began 10 days earlier.  The patient is 2 months pregnant and thus a clear candidate for Zika virus testing according to the CDC interim guidance.

IgM Serology is indicated for testing, and the physician also requests RT-PCR on the serum as well.

Which of the following would be the recommended approach for RT-PCR testing in this patient per recommendations in the United States?
A. Refer the serum for RT-PCR as ordered, 10 days is within the optimal time for viremia
B. Refer the serum for RT-PCR and also collect urine for testing by RT-PCR 
C. Refer urine for RT-PCR only
D. Do not refer any samples for RT-PCR, it is too late in the infection to be valuable.
E. Zika doesn't even exist; it is a government-created illusion aimed at distracting us from Donald Trump

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