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Topic: Mycobacteriology 2016-07-06
Difficulty: Moderate
Author:  Carey-Ann Burnham
Question Type: Multiple Possible Answers
Please Select ALL Correct Answers

A 36 year old man sustains a deep wound on his finger when cleaning and repairing the blade of his lawn mower.  After approximately 5 days, he presents to the emergency department; the finger is swollen with frank pus.  A culture of the purulent material is sent to the microbiology laboratory, and grows abundant mixed bacterial flora, including enteric Gram-negative rods. 

After approximately 5 days of incubation, the liquid culture for mycobacteria (AFB) signals positive.  This liquid culture is subcultured to solid medium.  After approximately 3 days of growth, a bright-yellow, acid fast organism is observed. 

Which of the following species is/are a rapidly-growing Mycobacterium spp. that produces a yellow pigment? 

More than one answer may be correct.  Choose ALL correct answers.

Mycobacterium chelonae
Mycobacterium marinum
Mycobacterium neoaurum
Mycobacterium gordonae
Mycobacterium kansasii
Mycobacterium phlei

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